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PianoClass Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

What kind of piano do I need to take lessons? Can it be digital?

It is possible to start lessons with only a touch-sensitive keyboard. With the development of perception and repertoire, you may feel the need for an instrument with better touch response and sound richness. At that moment, the teacher will be guiding you to acquire the ideal piano.

What forms of payment are accepted? Do I pay monthly or per lesson?

We accept credit cards (via PayPal) and, via Ethereum blockchain (ERC20), also Tether EUR (EURt) and Stasis EUR (EURS). Lessons can be paid as single lessons or in 3, 6, or 12-month plans. All of our plans are available on the Lessons pages, whether for Online Piano Lessons, PianoClass for Kids or Custom-tailored Piano Video Lessons.

Does a live web lesson have the same quality as a face-to-face lesson? What are the main differences?

Yes, the quality is the same. Live lessons over the internet have been more effective than face-to-face for several factors:
- students are more concentrated at the beginning of each lesson and with all the material are ready to be used;
- teachers can show piano movements by angles not typically used in the classroom. In the online classroom it is possible to reposition the camera to have the ideal perspective on the screen (without having the student twists himself to see it);
- it is easier to record lessons, exchange links, documents and notes, and optimize class time and resources available to study between lessons. To understand exactly how a live web lesson works, see this page.

Is there a minimum and maximum age for learning to play the piano?

Regardless of age, students just need to enjoy music and want to learn to play. For the little ones, students between three and eight years old, we have a specific course: PianoClass for Kids. Older people may have a limitation for playing songs that require more physical endurance, but only if they have a particular health problem (e.g. respiratory or in the upper limbs).

Is it possible to take a free trial lesson?

Yes, you can apply to our The Music Review Project by filling the form on this page..

What are the lessons rates?

All our plans and values are available on the lessons pages, whether for Online Piano Lessons, PianoClass for Kids or Custom-tailored Piano Video Lessons.

What is the recommended workload?

This recommendation depends on the age, the level, the repertoire size, and the time to study in between lessons.
Children up to 10 years of age have a better result with two lessons per week of 25 minutes to ensure concentration during class and avoid a very long period without orientation between lessons.
From the age of 11, lessons will be 55 minutes, and we define its frequency by the student´s commitment to the studies at home. If it is possible to study at least 1 hour a day at home, the two weekly lessons will bring a tangible result in the speed of the student's musical development. If the daily study time is less than this, one weekly lesson will be sufficient and enable the student to enjoy his time with the teacher better.

Are the live web lessons available to all student levels? And if I have never played piano, can I start without any knowledge?

Yes. Beginners, intermediate or advanced students can take lessons with us, even without previous piano or technology experience.

I do not have time for live lessons. Is there an option for video lessons?

Yes, there is. The alternative we offer you to have the teachers' guidance of the PianoClass is the Custom-tailored Piano Video Lessons. With them, you will have the active and personalized orientation of one of our teachers through a video exchange system. You can know more details about this modality by clicking here.

Can I record my live lessons to watch them again later?

Yes, you can. Just use one of the lessons Record Apps that work along with Skype or directly using Zoom.

Do I need to get some material for the lessons?

Initially, we provide all the necessary material. The student will be only responsible for purchasing scores that are not available for free in the IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project) and similar sites or those that we do not have the distribution license. We also provide files for printed sheet music, educational games and access to various music notation software, including free ones.

On which days and times can I schedule my lessons?

Lessons happen from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 11:00 pm (UTC +2)and from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm (UTC +1)
More details are available on the PianoClass Academic Calendar

Where do I find the guidelines of the lessons offered by the PianoClass?

On the Guidelines page, you will find all the details on rescheduling lessons, punctuality, use and cancellation of lesson contracts, and much more to take advantage of everything the PianoClass offers its students.