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How to use Google Drive with PianoClass

We share links and learning material with our students using Google Drive folders. Follow the instructions below to access them.

Private Sharing

Send the email address you use to access your Google Drive to your teacher, and they will share the PianoClass folder with you.

For under 18 years old students, please also send the parents’ Google Drive email addresses.

Ho do I create a Google Drive?

  • Visit the website drive.google.com/drive
  • Click on Go to Drive
  • If you already have a Google account, sign in
  • If you don’t have a Google account, click on Create Account (and you may use any email address for that)

    I have several Google accounts. Which one should I use?

    Choose the one you already use with Google Drive on most devices (computer, tablet, and smartphone). And if you need, we may share with more than one account.

    Access your PianoClass folder

    Ensure that you have Google Drive accessible on your computer (PC/Mac), tablet, and smartphone.

    On the computer

    Visit google.com/drive/download/ and install the software related to your operational system.

    On Tablets and Smartphones

    Download the Google Drive app from your app store and sign in with the email you informed us.

    Via browser

    Alternatively, you may access Google Drive on your browser.
    Type drive.google.com and check on the upper right corner image that you are logged in with the email you informed us. If not, change to the correct account.
    Click on “Shared with me” to find the PianoClass folder.



    Learn more on the webpage Support for Google Drive.



    Contact your teacher if you have any questions about Google Drive or face issues when using it. They will help you to solve it. If your question can help other students, we will add the solution to this page.